The MISRA consortium, a world-leading collaboration between manufacturers, component suppliers and engineering consultancies, announced the publication of a key update to the MISRA C:2012 guidelines at Embedded World 2020.
MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2 extends the MISRA C guidelines to address issues of concern with the 2011 and 2018 editions of the C Standard by mapping the undefined, unspecified and implementation-defined behaviours to the existing MISRA C guidelines. It also provides a framework for further guidance in the newer C11/C18 features, including multi-threading and atomics.
Also announced is MISRA Compliance:2020, an updated framework for claiming compliance with MISRA coding guidelines which includes guidance on a robust and structured process for the use of deviations. With the adoption of Amendment 2, MISRA Compliance becomes a mandatory part of MISRA C.
Both documents are available as a free download from the MISRA Bulletin Board.